Fall Bass fishing on creeks from a kayak.

During the fall, most outdoorsmen focus majority of their time attempting to bag a big buck. That first hard frost with the beautiful autumn leaves blowing in the cool morning breeze is a ideal for deer hunting. But, what about those warm clammy afternoons when deer tend to be sluggish? If you hunt in the southern part of the U.S., you are probably familiar with the weather conditions I just described. So, instead of sweating in a deer stand with low expectations of seeing deer activity, why not try something different? How about throwing a couple rod and reels in your kayak and catching a few bass?

The benefit of owning a kayak

A kayak is one of the most versatile boats ever created. The origins of the kayak date back to the dugout canoe. Native Americans utilized dugout canoes for transportation, exploration, hunting, and fishing. To this day, a modern kayak can provide the same benefits.

A great benefit of a kayak is they are a lot less of a hassle to deal with compared to a motor boat and trailer. There are no batteries to worry with for a trolling motor or fuel cans to fill up before going fishing. I simply grab a tackle box and a rod &reel, place them inside my kayak, then strap down my kayak in the back of my truck and head to the creek.

You guys that hunt public land know, all to well, how useful a kayak is for deer hunting and duck hunting. Not only are kayaks stealthy, they can navigate water most expensive motor boats struggle traveling through.

Kayaks are not only great for accessing secret hunting spots with limited access, they are great for accessing fishing holes as well. Most people simply pass by some of the best fishing holes, due to the fact, they know their boat cannot travel through the shallow water filled with low hanging limbs that guard that magic spot.

Fishing on a creek

If there is a large reservoir in your local region, chances are, there are a couple of large creeks feeding that reservoir . Often, major creeks that feed a reservoir are only fished up to a point to where there is a large tree blown across each bank. In most cases, a tree blown across a creek touching each bank, is no match for an experienced kayak fisherman.

The best part about creeks that are difficult to access by motor boat is, the fish on these type of creeks are not pressured. I’m sure you will agree, fish that have never observed an artificial lure are easier to catch then fish that have seen and bit artificial lures. You can catch a mess of fish in no time when utilizing your kayak on creeks with limited access points. Creek fishing during the fall can make your experience even better!

Bass fishing during the fall

The most popular time of year to bass fish is the Spring. Spring is when most people focus on bass fishing. The obvious reason for this is the spawn is in full swing. However, you guys that deer hunt often overlook the best time of year to catch large numbers of bass.

Fish are no different from other animals. Most animals attempt to pack on as much weight as possible in order to survive the cold harsh winter months. When the water temperature begins to cool down during the fall season, a bass’s appetite goes into overdrive. This phenomenon happens to be around the same time deer season begins, especially in the southern United States.

During this time of year, I like using baits that closely imitate shad.

Shad imitation baits

Spinner baits and small crank baits work great!


I know some of you hardcore deer hunters wait all year for season to open. However, we all know cooler weather increases deer activity. I have never had much luck hunting in hot humid weather. So, I go fishing on creeks in my kayak instead of sweating on a deer stand.

Fishing in the fall is another great way to enjoy the outdoors. I know most of you deer hunters are focused on chasing that big buck during the fall. However, instead of taking a chance on educating him by hunting a stand with a questionable wind direction, try fishing a creek on that warm fall afternoon. If you enjoy fishing in the spring, chances are, you will enjoy catching a mess of fish in the fall as well.

Thank you for reading this post. For more tips for fishing check out our website Americanhuntingsafari.com. If you rather deer hunt instead of go fishing, we have a page dedicated to deer hunting you can check out also. If you would like to see more articles about the great outdoors, then subscribe to Americanhunyingsafari.com We at Americanhuntingsafari.com are common outdoorsmen just like you and encourage everyone from every walk of life to get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!

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