What is the best deer feed for attracting bucks?

The hunting industry is completely saturated with products that attract deer. With product after product being shoved down our throats on popular tv programs, how do we decide what is effective and reasonably priced? Here at Americanhuntingsafari.com, we are constantly searching for truth when it comes to deer hunting. Based on our experience over the years, there is one proven type of food that works every year for attracting deer. You guessed it, corn! There is no disputing the fact corn works! It affordable, compatible with feeders on the market and, last but not least, you can purchase it in just about any small town in the U.S. Here another fun fact, it is one of the prime ingredients in just about every deer food product on the market.

Experience hunters know this. We know corn works. Corn is great for meat hunters however there is one common complaint I often hear. I for one have rarely ever had a mature buck walk up to a corn pile or feeder in the daylight. Sure, I check my game cameras and often see the local bucks grabbing a bite of corn while checking the does out, but the problem is, they often seem to visit the corn pile in the early hours of the morning well before daylight or they are there for a split second. Have you had similar experiences? Don’t worry there is good news to this common problem.

If you hunt in Arkansas or Louisiana, then the following info in this paragraph is nothing new. The one food that we have found to draw bucks out in the daylight is RICE BRAN! Here in the south, the local coops and feed stores have increased their focus on selling rice bran because it works.

Bucks love Rice Bran!

Young buck at the rice bran pile

Every year I hear of people killing big bucks while eating rice bran. I have enjoyed great success year after year using rice bran. Trust me or better yet, ask hunters in Louisiana or Arkansas. This stuff works! It is in the same price range as corn. It usually is distributed in 50 pound bags for an average price around $8 and is a great combo with corn as the main food type at your bait station.

Another. fun fact, rice bran is another main ingredient in a lot of high dollar food attractants sold at major retailers. However, there are a few drawbacks to consider when using rice bran.

It does not do well with moisture. Often when it rains, it will form a crust which is not desirable for to a deer’s taste. It can form a mold as well when it becomes damp or rain has feel on it.

The second drawback I often hear is, rice bran will not work in most game feeders. This makes it very difficult to be efficient when feeding and creates a lot of waste during weather changes during the fall. There are a few companies such as OnTime Feeders and Wild Game Innovations that recently developed specialized feeders for rice bran. I have heard mixed reviews about both feeders but they are something to consider using.

Perhaps the biggest problem with rice bran that I found is, rice bran seems to attract hogs. The powdery bran can blow in the wind with ease since it light and dusty. It has an odor that even a human can smell from a distance. This allows hogs passing through to wind the feed with ease and make a B-Ling straight to the source. This is a serious problem to consider before buying rice bran. Hogs love the stuff just as much as deer and once they find a pile, they often will hang around for days if not weeks waiting for the pile to be replenished. Meanwhile the destroy and damage you property and eat the other feed sources on your property which, ultimately discourages your deer herd from spending time on your property or stand area.

Hogs eating rice bran

If you live in an area where rice bran is sold, give it a shot. Conduct tests with a corn pile beside a rice bran pile. I can almost guarantee you will find a major difference in the amount of bucks showing up all hours of the day.

If rice bran is not readily available where you live, try some products like Big & J. One of the key ingredients in Big&J is rice bran.

I hope this article has informed and educated you. I know to the experienced hunters in the south this is not a big secret but, for you guys just starting out, save your money and grab a bag of rice bran. The trail cams do not lie. If you liked this article and would like to read more content on deer hunting and other great outdoor sports, then Please subscribe to American Hunting Safari. We would love to hear your opinions on your favorite deer food attractant. Leave a comment below and tell us about your experiences in the woods.