What is the best shot gun for a new Turkey hunter?

Your first turkey gun needs to be affordable, simple to operate, and should be comfortable for you to shoot. There are countless shot guns on the market, in this post, we will break down the three key requirements your first turkey gun should meet.

If you are new to turkey hunting, congratulations! However, let me caution you on what you are getting into. Turkey hunting is addictive!! There is nothing that gets my blood pumping quicker then hearing an old Tom sound off on a cool April morning as the sun breaks through the trees. There truly is nothing like it. The challenge, excitement, exhilaration, and satisfaction of a good hunt compares to no other type of hunting.

You will never forget the first time a mature gobbler sounds off while working his way towards your ambush setup. I remember many years ago, my brother and I set out one cool crisp April morning with our hearts set on bagging our first gobbler. We didn’t have a clue what we were doing. We were under the impression turkeys responded to calls much like ducks. We thought the males would come to the female’s call when in fact, turkeys are the exact opposite. The gobbler actually lets the hens come to him. Despite our limited knowledge about turkeys, we got lucky and killed a lonesome gobbler on that special morning. I shot him with a hand-me-down 12 gauge 2 3/4 inch Ithaca pump shot gun with number six squirrel shot. As I stated earlier, we got lucky. Through the years we have have enjoyed a lot of success, however, we have also experienced a lot of frustration. It is my hope, this information in this post will help you avoid some frustration I have experienced in the beginning of my turkey hunting career.


If you are excited about chasing turkeys in the spring, then chances are you have watched all kinds of turkey hunting shows on tv. Popular tv programs offer some good information however, never forget tv programs have sponsors. Sponsors require their products to be showcased throughout the program. Often times, the gun manufacturers sponsoring these programs push their latest and greats guns with hefty price tags. More often then not, most Turkey hunters on tv hunt with fancy high dollar automatic shotguns outfitted with expenses chokes and fancy sights. There is nothing wrong with having nice fancy equipment.

Based on my years of experience however, I suggest you start with a basic pump shotgun with open sights. If you are going to spend extra money on your new gun, I recommend spending it on a quality turkey choke. If your eyesight is poor, then spend your extra money on an upgraded sight.

You simply cannot go wrong with a pump shot gun for turkey hunting in my opinion. The legendary Remington 870 is by far my favorite gun for turkey and duck hunting. Mossbergs’s pump shot guns are great also. I do not think you could go wrong with either one.

Why should you choose a pump over an automatic?

  • Pumps are simple to operate
  • Pumps rarely jam
  • Pumps hit harder and shoot further

For a new hunter, pump shotgun designs allow more control over the operation of the gun. Not only do pumps allow more control of operation, they hit harder and shoot further. There is no gas or recoil utilized for ejecting the discharged shell in a pump. All of the energy discharged from the load goes out through the barrel.

In my opinion pump shotguns are safer to operate as well, due to the fact there are no confusing sequences required to load or unload the gun. There are no spring loaded parts that can bite a young hunter’s fingers. The first first shotgun I ever bought was a Remington 870. Within two hours of owning the gun, I had a complete understanding of how to operate it and was confident when the time came to shoot it. The reason I decided to purchase an 870 was because it fit me better then any other brand I held while I was shopping. This reason leads to the next requirement your first turkey gun should meet.


Everyone’s body build is different. No two people are built exactly the same. We all have unique bodies, some of us have long arms and some of us have short arms.

In order for for you to make difficult shots consistently, your turkey gun must comfortably fit you. Your arms should not be under a constant strain and your upper body should be relaxed. Remember, there are times where you have to hold your gun up for long periods of time while you wait on that gobbler to give you a clear shot.

I highly recommend you try to shoot as many different gun models as possible. If you are not able to shoot any then, simply hold the different models up to your shoulder while at a retailer’s store so you can get a feel for the ones that fit your body best.

Start shopping for your first turkey gun well before the season opens. Give yourself time to try out the many different models but remember, stick with a gun that fits you well and is simple to operate.


Another huge positive of buying a pump shotgun is, they are very affordable. There is no need spending over $800 on your first turkey gun. After all, there is a slim chance you might decide turkey hunting is not what it’s cracked up to be. So, why would you want to make a $800 investment right off the bat without knowing if you will continue to turkey hunt in the next five years?

Keep your first turkey shotgun under $500. There are plenty of good quality pump shotguns on the market today within the $500 range. I recently upgrade to a new Remington 870 specifically design for turkey hunting with a Mossey Oak Breakup paint scheme. I only spent $425 on that brand new gun.


I have been turkey hunting for over fifteen years. I have hunted in three different states and killed three different species of turkeys. I have spent most of my time chasing Easterns in my home state of Louisiana. Louisiana by far, is the most difficult place I personally have hunted turkeys. With all the challenges I experience every year hunting Louisiana birds, I do not need my shotgun to let me down. This reason alone is why I hunt with a Remington 870.

Another tip I feel with mentioning is, I am a believer in simple open sights unlike fancy sights or scopes advertised on tv. Regardless if you are hunting in your back yard or on a quest to complete the turkey slam, you need to have dependable equipment! If you choose a fancy scope or electronic sight for you turkey gun, you greatly increase the chance of missing that bird of a life time. Fancy sophisticated sights can be damaged or knocked out of alignment from travel in vehicles or from beating against limbs and other objects while walking through rough terrain. The BB mounted on the barrel of a shotgun fresh out of the factory in my opinion, is the most dependable sight you can have.

I hope the info in this post helps you guys in search of your first turkey gun. At Americanhuntingsafari.com, we try to share as much useful information as possible based on our real world experience in the field. We are everyday hunters just like you and would like to help you guys in your turkey hunting journey. If you would like to see more information about turkey hunting check out our website Americanhuntingsafari.com. Be sure to visit our turkey hunting page and make sure you subscribe to get the most up to date articles on hunting and fishing. We share useful tips and tricks for all types of hunting and fishing. Check us out and Thanks For Reading!