Best Place to set a Hog Trap

Trapping hogs will help reduce if not eliminate the current hog population in your neck of the woods. Trapping hogs is by far the most efficient and effective way to control feral hogs as well as reduce population growth. In this post we will cover five steps finding a great place to set hog traps which will increase your success. 

Step 1 Find the Sign

Fresh hog track

This might sound obvious because it is. If you plan to catch hogs, you have to set traps in areas hogs routinely frequent. Finding hog sign is not difficult. In my opinion, the indicator of hogs living in a specific area are tracks and wallows. Sure, fresh rooted ground is the most obvious indication hogs have been in an area however, hogs constantly search for food. Hogs are constantly on the move and often, once a sounder of hogs have rooted an area they will move on. They may not return to that area again for some time. This is why I love heavy travel areas that consistently produce fresh tacks after each rain. 

Another great tip is to find areas that have plenty of wallows and thick cover with shade. Creek bottoms are my number location to begin looking for fresh sign and tracks. Often hogs will live in creek bottoms majority of the time and forage up on hills periodically.

Look for trails traveled by hogs on a routine basis then set trail cameras on these trails to confirm hogs are using them consistently.   

Step 2 Reconnaissance

Regardless of where you find fresh sign, a trail camera can verify if the hogs really live in that area or if the pass through from time to time. Trail cameras will also give you a great idea of the number of hogs and reveal their daily habits.

Hogs eating bait

Combining all the information you gain from using a trail camera allows you to make good decisions. You can eliminate wasting time and resources required from trapping hogs by taking advantage of the knowledge a trail camera can give you. 

Step 3 Select the Optimal Location

Once you have verified hogs are practically living in the area you plan to trap, you can now begin to search out a spot to place the trap. 

Small field that is excellent for setting a trap

I decide where to place the trap by looking for locations with easy access so I can check the trap with ease on a daily basis. You should also. Even though hogs are destructive feral animals, they should not have to suffer in a trap for days. We as hunters and trappers should always treat wild animals with decency and respect. Check your traps every day!

Areas with plenty of cover and a good amount of shade are great spots. Hogs will feel more secure around a trap if there is abundant cover near the trap or if it is on the edge of a field they frequent. I love to set my hog traps on old logging roads or on the edge of small fields where there is shade majority of the day. 

There are several different hog trap designs out there. The design you choose to use will greatly dictate the optimal spot to place the trap. This process is not overly complicated however, level ground is critical for trap placement. If you are using one of the big round pen designs, make sure the ground is relatively flat so they cannot dig out under the trap. If your are using an old fashion square trap with a wire bottom, level ground is also critical. You do not want a trap to be unstable or wobbly. If a cage trap wobbles it will spook hogs trying to enter the trap. 

Also, if possible, position the trap is a location where you can see the surrounding area from a distance. Often times once a few hogs are caught in a trap, there will be a couple remaining on the outside of the trap. If you can approach the trap while have a clear view of the area around the sides of the trap, you can possibly get a shot at a couple outside the trap. Again, this is not always possible however, I never approach a trap without a loaded weapon just incase there is a mad female waiting in the brush to defend here piglets.

Step 4 Bait and Wait

First week of the trap baiting process

Step four is simple yet requires some patience. Begin the baiting process by placing bait in and around the trap. We have some great tips for baiting hog traps here. You should be very patient during the baiting process and allow the hogs to get very comfortable in and around the trap before arming it to catch. 

Also trail cameras are critical for this step. Trail cams will reveal if the hogs are routinely entering the trap or if there is an issue such a trap-shy hogs. 

If you encounter hogs that are reluctant to enter a trap (trap-shy) you might need to reposition your trap in a more secure area. If this happens to you try changing your bait to something with a sweet smell first. Second, if the bait change doesn’t work, find an area with thicker brush and more concealment. Having brush and cover around a trap will help hogs feel more secure and comfortable when entering a trap. 

Some experienced hog trappers even go through the trouble of camouflaging their traps by placing brush all around the trap. Placing brush around a trap to camouflage the sides will mimic a brush pile. This technique works great on trap-shy hogs. 

Set and Catch

If you execute the four steps shared in this article you should be able to consistently catch hogs as long as you have a decent trap that functions properly. One of the biggest mistakes people make when trapping hogs is being impatient. There is a process to catching hogs. If you follow the process you will drastically increase your chance at success. 


If you are new to trapping hogs, be patient and persistent. Trapping hogs are critical to controlling the spread and helping the native wildlife. For more great tips on trapping and hunting hogs, go the our home page then click the blog drop down section at the top of the homepage and select the hog category. We love to share our experiences with you guys. Everything we share on this website are real experiences we have done in the field. 

Thank you for reading this post! If you are interested in other great hunting and fishing tips, you can check out our blog section. We talk about hunting fishing and cooking wild game! 

1 thought on “Best Place to set a Hog Trap”

  1. Pingback: 5 Tips for How to hunt hogs during the day –

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